Bots & AI platforms and solutions for enterprises and telcos
Our References
Voices from our Team
Soon after joining, I got the opportunity to lead a great team.The value of teamwork and trust in each other is impressive here.
Farish - Team Lead
As a working student, I was given the opportunity to play an important role in an international project, which helped my professional development enormously..
Anna - Specialist Bot and AI Development
Something I love the most about my job: I work with colleagues and customers from different countries and backgrounds.
Shahin - Project Developer
Durch interessante und abwechslungsreiche Projekte bieten sich mir viele Möglichkeiten zur beruflichen Weiterentwicklung.
Khadija - Systems Engineer
Kleine, große oder sogar lebensrettende Projekte – mit meinen Kollegen sind sie alle spannend.
Tim - Solution Support Engineer
Hier kann ich großartige KI basierte Lösungen für den Kundenservice internationaler Kunden entwickeln.
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